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 player of the week!

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2 participants
DG Caroline
DG des Hurricanes de la Caroline
DG Caroline

Nombre de messages : 444
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyMer 1 Aoû - 19:59

Player of the week: Peter Schaefer (L)
NHL has awarded Peter Schaefer (L) of Ottawa Senators as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 3 assists for 6 points in 3 games last week. He also had 2 game winning goals.

A native of Canada, Peter Schaefer was originally drafted to the NHL by the Vancouver Canucks in the 3rd round of the 1995 entry draft. He has appeared in 421 NHL games during his career, notching 80 goals and adding 113 assists along with 152 penalty minutes. The 29 year old left wing has played 5 games with the Ottawa Senators this season, totalling 3+3=6 with 4 PIM.
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DG Caroline
DG des Hurricanes de la Caroline
DG Caroline

Nombre de messages : 444
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptySam 4 Aoû - 14:43

Player of the week: Nathan Horton (R)
NHL has awarded Nathan Horton (R) of Florida Panthers as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 2 assists for 5 points in 3 games last week. He also had 2 game winning goals.

A native of Canada, Nathan Horton was originally drafted to the NHL by the Florida Panthers in the 1st round of the 2003 entry draft. He has appeared in 134 NHL games during his career, notching 46 goals and adding 31 assists along with 152 penalty minutes. The 21 year old right wing has played 8 games with the Florida Panthers this season, totalling 4+4=8 with 6 PIM.
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DG Caroline
DG des Hurricanes de la Caroline
DG Caroline

Nombre de messages : 444
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyDim 5 Aoû - 15:51

Player of the week: Markus Näslund (L)
NHL has awarded Markus Näslund (L) of Vancouver Canucks as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 5 assists for 8 points in 3 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Sweden, Markus Näslund was originally drafted to the NHL by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the 1st round of the 1991 entry draft. He has appeared in 882 NHL games during his career, notching 327 goals and adding 395 assists along with 589 penalty minutes. The 33 year old left wing has played 11 games with the Vancouver Canucks this season, totalling 5+9=14 with 10 PIM.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyVen 17 Aoû - 13:51

Player of the week: Chris Kunitz
NHL has awarded Chris Kunitz Anaheim Mighty Ducks as Player Of The Week He registered 6 goals and 2 assists for 8 points in 4 games last week. He also had 2 game winning goals.

A native of Canada, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has appeared in 112 NHL games during his career, notching 29 goals and adding 39 assists along with 89 penalty minutes. The 27 year old left wing has played 22 games with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks this season, totalling 10+11=21 with 6 PIM.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptySam 25 Aoû - 15:49

Player of the week: Alex Tanguay (L)
NHL has awarded Alex Tanguay (L) of Calgary Flames as Player Of The Week He registered 3 goals and 5 assists for 8 points in 4 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Canada, Alex Tanguay was originally drafted to the NHL by the Colorado Avalanche in the 1st round of the 1998 entry draft. He has appeared in 488 NHL games during his career, notching 153 goals and adding 287 assists along with 231 penalty minutes. The 27 year old left wing has played 38 games with the Calgary Flames this season, totalling 16+24=40 with 12 PIM.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 11:07

Player of the week: Dwayne Roloson (G)
NHL has awarded Dwayne Roloson (G) of Edmonton Oilers as Player Of The Week He registered 4 wins and allowed 3 goals in 4 games last week. He also had 1 shutout.

A native of Canada, Dwayne Roloson, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has appeared in 326 NHL games during his career, booking 20 career shutouts and allowing 775 goals. The 37 year old goaltender has played 38 games with the Edmonton Oilers this season, allowing 99 goals on 839 while booking 2 shutouts.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyLun 3 Sep - 12:39

20-11-2006 Player of the week: Scott Gomez (C)
NHL has awarded Scott Gomez (C) of New York Rangers as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 4 assists for 8 points in 4 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of USA, Scott Gomez was originally drafted to the NHL by the New Jersey Devils in the 1st round of the 1998 entry draft. He has appeared in 500 NHL games during his career, notching 112 goals and adding 302 assists along with 336 penalty minutes. The 26 year old center has played 24 games with the New York Rangers this season, totalling 9+15=24 with 16 PIM.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptySam 8 Sep - 13:49

4-12-2006 Player of the week: Richard Zednik (L)
NHL has awarded Richard Zednik (L) of Florida Panthers as Player Of The Week He registered 4 goals and 3 assists for 7 points in 4 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Slovakia, Richard Zednik was originally drafted to the NHL by the Washington Capitals in the of the 1994 entry draft. He has appeared in 611 NHL games during his career, notching 172 goals and adding 151 assists along with 486 penalty minutes. The 30 year old left wing has played 32 games with the Florida Panthers this season, totalling 11+13=24 with 30 PIM.
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Bob Gainey- admin
Bob Gainey- admin

Nombre de messages : 1469
Age : 30
Localisation : La Pocatière
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! EmptyDim 9 Sep - 12:18

11-12-2006 Player of the week: Sidney Crosby (C)
NHL has awarded Sidney Crosby (C) of Pittsburgh Penguins as Player Of The Week He registered 5 goals and 4 assists for 9 points in 4 games last week. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Canada, Sidney Crosby was originally drafted to the NHL by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the 1st round of the 2005 entry draft. He has appeared in 116 NHL games during his career, notching 57 goals and adding 85 assists along with 162 penalty minutes. The 19 year old center has played 35 games with the Pittsburgh Penguins this season, totalling 18+22=40 with 52 PIM.
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player of the week! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: player of the week!   player of the week! Empty

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player of the week!
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